Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Travoticket gives utmost importance and value to the trust you have for us when you visit our website. Underlying the same, we have provided a detailed description of the way we collect, analyze, use, and store your information for the multiple visits made to the website. The Privacy Policy explained here, thus, gives insight into various aspects associated with the practice that gets followed by the information collected when you visit or make use of our Websites through multiple domains (Mobile Devices, Contact Centres, and Web Browser).

So, by visiting our websites, you are in agreement with the Privacy Policy that governs us, along with the associated Terms and Conditions.

Personal Information

The personal information that we collect broadly defines the particulars specific to the individual, which gets collected by us, which can be:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Registered Email address
  • Credit or Debit Card number, along with additional information.
  • Passport Number

How is personal information collected by us?

There are numerous ways adopted by third-party service providers and us to collect your personal information, which is:

  • By means of services: We might gather your personal information through the Services that we offer, which can be during new reservations, promotional registrations, or specific travel requisite that you make.
  • Offline: The data can also be obtained by us when you contact the customer service centers for your requirements.
  • Through additional sources: The personal information about you can also be assembled by us, when we receive the details through other sources, mainly social media platforms, database clusters (public), joint marketing partners, and other third-party servers.

How we make use of the information collected:

  • The information that we collect from you can be used as follows:
  • For sending you a subscription to newsletters by completion of the inquiries and requests that you make.
  • To enhance the overall distribution of the aspect integrated with social media sharing with fellow users.
  • To help you with the completion of the booking process that has been initiated,
  • To help you with giving updates and announcements pertaining to the Services offered and the upgrade in the Policies, Terms, and conditions formulated by us.
  • To share it further with partner travel agencies, who would make use of the information provided to give the additional services that form a portion of the overall service facilities mentioned.

How do we protect data shared:

For all the personal information that you share with us, stringent and resonating measures are taken to protect the database that gets created. Even so, no 100 % security can be guaranteed for all the data that gets stored in our server. In situations where you believe that there has been a breach and comprise occurring for the data you shared, do notify us through the contact option provided for remedial measures to be taken.

We use Cookies

Cookies are a tracking mechanism, which is broadly defined as the small bits of text that get stored in your web browser or computer hard drive while you make use of the search engine to gather information. It is usually done so that the website is able to remember the visit made by the user on the website for future reference.

Why do we use cookies?

The main purpose of using cookies is to provide us with a database of the preferences that you have while looking for various details. It also acts as a source that helps to improve and enhance website accessibility and services through advertising mechanisms that are curated on these websites.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

Travoticket holds all the rights to make required modifications and changes to this privacy policy without prior notification. Please make sure to keep checking the website at regular intervals so that you will be notified of the changes that we make. We shall not be held responsible for the loss of data or information that occurs during these modifications. For any issues that you may face, you can directly connect with us at

Changes to Privacy Policy:

Travoticket holds all the rights to make required modifications and changes to this privacy policy without prior notification. Please make sure to keep checking website at regular intervals so that you will be notified of the changes that we make.